California Interfaith Power & Light


SUNDAY, MAY 11, 2014




The mission of California Interfaith Power and Light (CIPL) is to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation, energy efficiency and renewable energy. This ministry intends to protect the earth’s ecosystems, safeguard public health, and ensure sufficient, sustainable energy for all.

History of CIPL

The original concept for California Interfaith Power and Light (CIPL) was developed from the model built by Episcopal Power and Light, a group that encouraged churches to purchase green energy. Using this model, CIPL was established in January 2001 by the Rev. Sally G. Bingham of The Regeneration Project with co-founders Scott Anderson (California Council of Churches), Catherine Coleman (Northern California Interreligious Conference),  and Rev. Al Cohen (Southern California Ecumenical Council).

CIPL is a faith based organization and stipulates that every major spiritual tradition calls on us to be faithful stewards of Creation. We have a responsibility to protect the earth for our children and future generations. Global warming is a crisis that has severe environmental, social, moral, economic and spiritual consequences. Current patterns of climatic warming point to increases in heat-related illnesses and deaths, increased heat stress for crops, and greater energy needs for cooling. CIPL helps educate congregations on the theological basis for eco-stewardship and assists them in implementing programs to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become more energy efficient – therefore helping to mitigate the harmful effects of global warming. Working together, individuals and communities of faith can model to the rest of the world how to be the stewards of our precious Creation.